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Wiring Instructions

Instructions for Wire Transfers

Wire transfers are a great way to send and receive funds. When you use The Bank of New Glarus for your wire transfers, you can trust that the funds are secure. If you need to send or receive a wire transfer, please follow these instructions. Contact us if you have any questions.

Contact Our Offices

Wire To:

Routing Number: 075912479

Bank Name: Banker’s Bank

Bank Address:
7770 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53717

Further Credit:

Account Number: 075903912

Bank Name: The Bank of New Glarus

Bank Address:
501 1st Street, New Glarus, WI 53574

Final Credit Example:

Account Number: 999999

Beneficiary Name: John Doe

Beneficiary Address:
123 Bank Way, Anytown, WI